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Factions supported by Turkey take over the home of a family of a photojournalist



حجم الخط:

Translated by: Hejar Abbo

The Syrian armed opposition factions, backed by Turkey, seized the home of the family of a photojournalist in North and East Syria.

Opposition factions seized the house in Serei Kaniye / Ras al-Ain city.

Rodi Saiyd, a photographer for Reuters, said in a tweet about the seizure of his family’s home in the city.

Rodi said in the tweet that the militant factions are taking over many houses belonging to the Kurds and Arabs from the city’s residents.

Saiyd said Turkey and the factions supported by it “seized my house because I am a Kurdish.”
“Saiyd” added, that Turkey sees in every Kurdish person “a threat to them,” and stated, “while Turkey did not see in the presence of ISIS leader and terrorism near its borders any danger.

The United States announced the death of ISIS caliph in Barisha town in Idlib countryside.

It is noteworthy that “Rodi Saiyd”, a photojournalist who covered all the wars against ISIS and quoted images of human tragedies for those affected by ISIS.