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Taa Marbouta

Encourage reading to empower children in Al-Holl camp An activity for children’s buds … away from war Aso Team



حجم الخط:

Entertainment and culture are two important ideas in the lives of children, who have lived under the conditions of war, and have spent years in the shadow of terrorism (ISIS) in Syria, where extremist ideology is undermined, and children are transformed from a life of violence incitement to a normal life that children must have.

From Al-Holl camp, Taa Marbouta team, in collaboration with the Women’s Free-Standing in Rojava, conducted an activity targeting children in Al-Holl camp.

The activity lasted for two hours, in which about 30 children aged 6 to 12, with diverse roots between Syria, Iraq, and others, took part in ISIS-controlled areas, or were parents of ISIS operatives.

The activity that took place inside the camp was a joy and happiness for the children, the activity included a simple puppet theater, distribution of gifts and candy to children who were very happy.

According to Abeer Mohammed, coordinator and official in charge of organizing joint activities between Taa Marbouta team and the Women’s Free-Standing, The children interacted with the shows, which included listening to a motivational story for children to love reading, was narrated through a puppet theater, a question and answer part, a special talent (drawing), in addition to listening to music, dance and singing
For her part, “Bushra Hamed,” the coordinator of the work with Taa Marbouta team said that children in Al-Holl camp urgently need to get out of the years of injustice and terrorism imposed on them as children.

Abeer Mohammed said that there is a joint endeavor between the two institutions to establish different and encouraging activities for children inside “Al-Holl Camp”, stressing that the main objective of these activities is to consolidate the role of book and reading in the minds of children as a primary stage for them.

In order to create a generation that lives by consciousness and culture and urged children to love reading, as well as our goal of keeping them as far as possible from the atmosphere of war, and undermine the thought of terrorism, which the organization (ISIS) tried to promote in the children’s heads but he failed.
“Bushra Hamed” said that they are continuing their activities aimed at children, to include new ideas and more entertaining and educational activities at the same time.

Yasmine Othman, Managing Director of the Women’s Free-Standing Foundation, expressed her happiness at seeing the smile on the faces of the children inside the camp, through their participation in this activity.

“Yasmine” stressed the need to instill cultural awareness ideas within the principles and moral values in the minds of children, through reading and telling stories, singing, playing and games, and stay away from any strange thought is promoted in their heads.

Taa Marbouta Foundation aims to care for children, by virtue of the absolute belief that the generation of children who have lived under extremist organization need support, care, guidance and entertainment that helps a lot in forgetting the circumstances they have gone through.

Yasmine Othman said that the attitude of the people towards the activity was very positive
Um Mohammed, the mother of a child participating in the activity, said the children were happy and the experience boosted the child’s self-confidence in the camp.
Um Huda, the mother of a child participating in the activity, demanded that the activity be repeated in the camp, considering that the activity made a smile on the faces of children and promoted the love of reading and follow-up education in the minds of children.

The activity is part of a joint collaboration between the Taa Marbouta Foundation and the Women’s Free-Standing in Rojava, to educate children.