Stories from the “Back from Death” series collected by ASO News Network, which show the tragedy of civilians who suffered...
The state of internal divisions and disputes between the ranks of the armed Syrian opposition factions loyal to the Turkish occupation continues, due to the decline...
Activists from Afrin said that, since this morning, Turkish artillery has targeted the villages of Abyan, Kaluta and Aqiba, which belong to the Sherawa district and...
Syrian local associations and organizations submitted a joint statement to the Sixth Brussels Conference on Supporting the Future of Syria and the Region, which was held...
Afrin residents are subjected to arrests and kidnappings on a daily basis, especially while passing through the security barriers erected at all entrances and exits of...
Local sources from Afrin revealed to Aso News Network that the two brothers (Mustafa Mustafa Mahmoud and Muhammad Mustafa Mahmoud) were severely beaten by members of...
The armed factions loyal to Turkey continue their operations to sabotage and bulldoze hills and archaeological sites in the city of Afrin and smuggle them to...
Since the beginning of this week, the city of Raqqa and its countryside has witnessed dusty thunderstorms and heavy rain accompanied by hail. Heavy rains led...
Since yesterday, Saturday, the city of Raqqa has witnessed a complete interruption of drinking water and the suspension of filtration stations due to the recent torrential...
Armed clashes erupted between a group of settlers from the Al-Hayeb and Al-Mawali clans on one side, and members of the Suqur Al-Shamal Brigade on the...
Heavy rainfall, in areas in North-East Syria, led to human and material damage, as heavy and torrential rains in the city of Kobani washed away a...