On Monday morning, two women were injured by stray bullets in Al-Hasakah, fired by parents of students celebrating the release...
“Fatima Said” never loses hope of returning to the city of Serekaniye / Ras al-Ain, where she was born, and her hope to return to the...
Aso-Lorin Sabri Displaced people from the city of Serekaniye / Ras al-Ain reveal the conditions of forced displacement from their city as a result of the...
The armed Syrian opposition factions (NSA), supported by the Turkish occupier, seized the house of the journalist “Sardar Mla Druish” family, in Sere Kaniye / Ras...
Prepared by: Lorinn Sabri- Editor: (S.M)) Translated by: Hejar Abbo Jamila Mohammed Mustafa from SereKaniye / Ras al-Ain, inside a reception school for displaced people in...
A group of Syrian and Syrian Kurdish journalists and activists have lost contact with the Syrian Kurdish journalist, Hamberfan Kosah, who has been detained at Kuala...
A testimony of a displaced person from the city of SereKaniye / Ras al-Ain tells the escape from the Turkish aggression and opposition factions after the...
Experts see that the Safe Zone imposed by Turkey, is not a fertile place for the maintenance of agreements between the belligerents, in case of the...
Safe Zone Revives Extremism … Turkey’s quest to create a “safe zone” achieves its goal with an instrument from “Trump” and “Putin” … the area that...
Aso Team 2019-11-23 Translated by: Hejar Abbo (Umm Jana “We lived black days, without any other colors, today we got a bit out of this black)...
Aso Team 2019-11-23 Translated by: Hejar Abbo On Thursday, November 21, 2019, Hakawati al-Furat troupe performed a theatrical play at al Hole Camp. The show targeted...