Stories from the series Returning from Death, collected by ASO News Network, show the tragedy of civilians who suffered pain...
Amsha Al Jasim (42 years old) resorted to making firewood tanour and selling it to support her family Amsha was displaced from the countryside of Deir...
Leaders in ISIS yesterday … leaders in the Syrian opposition factions today “Thamer Al-Nasser Al-Ani … From ISIS to Ahrar Al-Sharqiya” A trip of a fighter...
Local activists in Afrin city, said that the Turkish gendarmerie (border guards) killed a child from Afrin while trying to cross into the Turkish interior. The...
The Crisis Cell in Al-Jazira region announced a total curfew for two weeks in the cities of Rojava / Northeast Syria, with the aim of preventing...
On Friday, a 23-year-old, a young man died drowning while trying to swim in the Euphrates River in Raqqa city. “Yasser Al-Khamis,” the administrative official in...
The girl (RHC) 19 years old, from Kobani, lost her life by premeditated murder by a member of her family at midnight yesterday Saturday. The girl...
Aso News Network reporter in Deir Ezzor countryside said that violent clashes with medium and light weapons took place between the families of Al-Ghadeer and Al-Khabour...
The student “Youssef Darwish” obtained the first rank in high school (the scientific branch) at the level of the city of Al-Derbasiyah and its countryside, at...
An unknown group assassinates sheik of Al-Burhama (Al Bakara) clan, Ali Alwais, nicknamed “Abu Hussein”, on the morning of the first day of Eid Al-Adha. Sources...
The people of northeastern Syria celebrated the first days of Eid Al-Adha, despite the announcement of a high number of infections with the Coronavirus, a few...